Thursday, April 11, 2013


As seems to be usual for me, I've not been here for a while.  I just can't seem to find enough hours to do all I need to do, much less the time for what I 'want' to do.  This is going to be a very short message, but it's one that I really felt needed to be done.  I joined another group on Facebook regarding Fibromyalgia and a sweet young 20 year old girl left a link to her blog in regards to an article that she spent quite some time writing.  It's just so hard for me to accept that someone so young with so much life ahead of her is having to suffer so badly.  She seems to be in the same place I am at age 57 and that makes me sad.  I do recognize the fact that I have actually had this disorder my entire life, but at the tender age of 20 I didn't have nearly as much to deal with as she is.  I was not officially diagnosed until 8-2-90 at the age of 35.  I would love anyone that's interested to go to her blog.  She has a great understanding of a very complex disorder.   If I get the time I may try to read many more of her posts.  

My life is somewhat stressful right now with all sorts of problems popping up that take me away from taking as good of care of myself as I should.  There are so many everyday chores and errands that have to be done and when you have limited energy and stamina, those extra problems popping up can be quite overwhelming.  I have to make sure to take care of myself properly cause if I don't take care of me, I certainly can't do what's necessary to take care of my home and my husband.  Life is a learning process and with Fibromyalgia it seems like there are a lot of lessons I have yet to learn.

Seeing as how my blog has now become my inspiration, this young lady most definitely fits into the classification of inspiring.

