Monday, February 2, 2015

My Hero, My Inspiration

I'm sitting here just thinking about the fact that in exactly one month from today I will have been married for 41 years........and YES, to the same person :-).  

I originally was thinking of people that inspire me and Rick definitely holds the top spot for me in that category.  When I don't feel like I can put one foot in front of the other, I think about how he gets up daily, much much earlier than I do, and he goes to his job and he is the main breadwinner for our family and he does so without ever a complaint.  

When I grumble about how much I hate cleaning and how cooking is such an exhausting chore because it comes at the end of the day when I'm just totally wiped out, and the dozen or so other things I don't like doing, I think about all the days when he doesn't particularly like getting up and going to a job that is both physically and mentally exhausting.  But he goes, even when he's not feeling too great.  I have so much
respect for the fact that he takes care of us the very best that he can and that is totally inspirational!!  

Don't get me wrong.  The man is no saint, but no one can dispute the fact that he is totally committed to me, our marriage, and our little family.  Our family is his number one priority and you can't ask for more than that.  I'm definitely no angel myself, but I am the one that he wants to come home to each night.

I am truly blessed and that is inspiration multiplied by 1,000,000.00.  Everyone needs a "Rick" in their life to remind them of what life is all about!

3-2-74 Outside the church on our wedding day.

