Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ok, I'm Gonna Just Pretend Like Today Is Monday So I Can Start This Week Over

Because yesterday was just a little too stressful and exhausting.   

We're having some new fence put in and basically as of last Wednesday we were waiting on the owner of the company to call us back with the date they would start work.   Low and behold, yesterday I was woke up by the ringing of the doorbell.........tried really hard to ignore it, finally got up, peeked out the bedroom window to see a Duval Fence company truck. 

While they were in the process of putting in the posts, and using a drill and drill bit that required water to keep said bit cool, I realized I suddenly had sulfur water in the house.  I freaked because last Monday we'd just had the pump worked on that supplies the water to the house.  I ran out to the pump house to discover that same pump was ridiculously hot.  I told the guys that they needed to stop using the water because I needed to turn it off at the circuit breaker to allow it to cool down.  The last thing we need right now is to have to completely replace the pump......yikes!  So I called out the pump company because I wanted to nip in the bud whatever was happening so it wouldn't be last Monday all over again.  

Come to find out, the fence guys had simply left the water running for like 2 straight hours (maybe more) and had emptied out the aerator (water tank that allows the sulfur gases to escape) so new (and sulfur) water was being pumped out as fast as it went in, thus overworking (and overheating) the pump.  I had a nozzle on the hose and thought they would use that to turn water off and on as needed, but they obviously just laid it down still running between using it.   I should have had them use the water that comes directly from the well and avoided all this.  But at least the pump guy helped me understand what was happening and he didn't charge me anything :-)  Luckily I just did get my load of laundry washed before all this happened.  

I had to leave the house pump off for several hours to allow it to cool down while the fence guys finished with water coming right from the well.  But magically (without running water, lol) I got all my vegetables cleaned, cut up and put into the crock pot to join the roast that had been going for 3 hours already.

It was so freaking hot yesterday and I was burning up all day due to all the running in and out. Actually being outside more than I was inside I think.

The fence guys finished up and left around 3:15 or so and I decided to go run all my errands even though I was pretty much already spent and just wanted to collapse.  Needless to say my Fibro was screaming by the time yesterday ended.

Today I'm trying to take it easy and see if I can make a few bucks/points on all my various sites.....some of which are listed on the right if anyone is interested in checking them out.  I'm pretty close to having $110 earned that I can request a payout on.  It's also time for The Waltons, so I think I'll go keep my sofa company and watch tv and rest.

Hope everyone's having a good start to their week.



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